you arrived like a day, and passed like a cloud

New Single Cover


There’s a new two-song single about fleeting encounters in the spaces where memory and chaos collide, and you can download it for free by clicking the link above or at Bandcamp (where you can also Pay What You Want). Here are the songs, and a little something about them…

Sorry, I Forgot Your Name (But Our Time Is Etched Upon My Mind)
It seemed like a good time to acknowledge all of those folks who’ve contributed to stunning and memorable moments in my life, but whose names I can’t remember. I wanted it to feel a little like autumn cruising in a 1978 Monte Carlo with Linda Ronstadt singing “Heatwave” on the radio, but I’m not sure if that’s even an accurate memory….

I Made Eye Contact With Chrissie Hynde
I really did make eye contact with Chrissie Hynde once backstage at a Pretenders concert. It was a brief yet surprisingly intimate-feeling moment that I hadn’t thought about in years until reading her autobiography recently. It’s also an absolutely ridiculous thing to write a song about, so I took great delight in laying it down.

There you have it: two infectious thumpers that should head right for chartsville! Enjoy!

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