i got stoned and i missed it


What a drag it is getting old.

Indeed. I’ve just had a medical procedure done on me called lithotrispy in an attempt to blast an obstinate kidney stone out of my body. This seems to be the best way to have these sort of things taken care of these days, but mine has been fraught with minor complications that have made it something of a bear to deal with. I’ll spare you my moaning here (Lord knows Kate has heard enough of it, bless her generous heart), and should state for the record that all is generally well.

This month’s MP3 is what I imagine the procedure would sound like if it were run through a digital audio workstation and sweetened a bit for the chill-out rooms. Don’t be frightened, my love, it’s all very harmless.

Here’s wishing you a wonderful Holiday Season and a New Year filled with joy. Drink lots of water!

**Don’t forget to check the Blog Archives to get the songs you missed!**

There are also official Marble Tea releases that you can download right here!


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